Pesticides Books

  • Iridis
    A short fish tale on helping others and protecting the environment featuring Iridis, the Longfin Anthias (Pseudanthias ventralis ventralis).

    The Longfin Anthias is …
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  • Organic Girl & Earth Defender
    Organic Girl and Earth Defender take on The Evil M and GMOs, but they need your help!
    Eye Icon 4334
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  • Magnificent Monarchs Help Us Save the Monarch Butterflies
    Have you ever wondered how you could help Monarch Butterflies? Join Girl Scout Troop 520 as they share with you why you would want to help Monarch Butterflies and how you can…
  • Pesticides
    Farmer Frank uses pesticides on his farm to keep bugs away, but it makes everyone sick. He learns not to use pesticides and the farm lives happily ever after.
  • Save the planet
    The story discusses the causes, consequences, and solutions of deforestation, pesticide use, pollution, and climate change.
  • Farmer Joe
    Farmer Joe, known for his natural products, starts using GMOs and pesticides. This leads to contaminated water and angry townspeople.
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  • The Need For Bees
    A detailed exploration of the importance of bees, their role in pollination and food production, and the threats they face from pesticides and habitat loss.
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