Achondroplasia Books

  • Achondro-what?
    Follow Scarlett, a young girl with Achondroplasia, as she navigates life with her genetic condition and finds joy in her unique experiences.
  • Sandy's Superpower
    Sandy, a second grader with Achondroplasia, shares her first day of school and how she embraces her condition as a superpower.
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  • Freddy what are you doing?!
    Emily, a 7th grader, is diagnosed with achondroplasia, a disorder that affects her bone growth. With the help of her doctor, she undergoes treatment and starts to grow taller.
  • Your kids have a 50% chance to inherit Cystic Fibrosis disease.
    This is an informative piece about Cystic Fibrosis, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. It also includes a case study on genetic counseling and DNA tes…
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