My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Caleb, a healthy and active child, starts growing too tall. With the help of his friends Pete and Greg, they discover he has gigantism and find a way to treat it.
    by Hudaa Dadani
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  • Emily, a 7th grader, is diagnosed with achondroplasia, a disorder that affects her bone growth. With the help of her doctor, she undergoes treatment and starts to grow taller.
    by Hudaa Dadani
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  • Ali, a 5th grader, is not growing properly due to a genetic condition called Noonan syndrome. With the help of his doctor and friends Dani and Perri, Ali receives treatment a…
    by Hudaa Dadani
    Eye Icon 15
  • Camila, a 4th grade student, is diagnosed with Down syndrome. She and her friend Dani navigate the challenges and treatments to help Camila feel better.
    by Hudaa Dadani
    Eye Icon 5
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