Active Transport Books

  • Types of Cellular Transport in Cells
    An informative book about the cell and its various parts, including the cell membrane. It explains different types of cellular transport, such as diffusion, osmosis, endocyto…
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  • Passive and Active Transport For Kids
    The story explains the concepts of passive and active transport in cells, providing examples and a glossary of key terms.
  • The story of active and passive transport
    An educational story explaining the concepts of passive and active transport in a simple and relatable way.
  • The Trip to Transport
    Three molecules, Wally, Olivia, and George, go on a field trip to learn about the cell membrane and its transport processes.
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  • Get Your Body Moving!
    The book provides information and tips on how to stay physically active, including exercise during recess, classroom activities, extramural sports, active transport, and afte…
  • The movement of Substances
    An informative book explaining the different types of passive and active transport in cells.
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  • Sally the Cell
    Sally the cell embarks on a journey to discover her identity and learns about the different organelles in a cell.
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  • Just Keep Transporting!
    Nemo and his friends go on an underwater adventure, learning about biology concepts like passive transport, diffusion, high concentration, phagocytosis, active transport, osm…
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