African Jungle Books

  • The Last Breath Of Air
    A family in the African jungle embarks on a space adventure to save an invisible planet from bad aliens and restore air to Earth.
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  • Lyle the Lying Lion
    This book is a lesson to children on lying. I'm hoping that those kids who read it will have a better perspective on telling the truth.Add a description for this book...
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  • African Culture
    A young child meets a man named Zacamoco in the African jungle who teaches them about African music, arts, and films.
  • My superhero in scary jungle Author's name : Abdulla Fayez
    A child's adventure in an African jungle leads to a scary encounter in an old house, teaching the importance of staying with family.
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  • ABC Journey Through Africa
    This is an educational book that takes readers on a journey through Africa, using the alphabet to introduce various aspects of the continent. From 'A for Africa' to 'Z for Za…
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  • A Beautiful World
    ‘A Beautiful World’ Enjoy some fun facts about these beautiful animals on Earth. Thank you for taking the time to read my first book.
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  • Africa ABC Book
    An alphabetical exploration of various aspects of Africa, including history, geography, culture, and wildlife.
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  • Olivia the Great Explorer
    Olivia loves to imagine herself as a great explorer, visiting exotic places and encountering amazing animals. Her dad encourages her dreams.
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