Alcoholic Beverages Books

  • Polish food
    This story provides information about traditional Polish breakfast, lunch, and dinner dishes. It also mentions popular Polish soups and alcoholic beverages. The story lacks o…
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  • Sugarcane Changed the World
    This book explores the history, science, and cultural impact of sugarcane, providing interesting facts and expanding children's knowledge beyond common understanding.
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  • My Home Country ... Moldavia
    My country is very beautiful and interesting... read and you'll see
  • Belgium, a fairytale country.
    A brief overview of Belgium, including its chocolate industry, love for comics, bilingual culture, festivals, and some interesting facts.
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  • Women in power
    A historical account of women's rights and their struggle for equality in the 1920s and 1930s in Canada, including suffrage, prohibition, and the Famous Five.
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    An informative book about the Republic of Moldova, covering its geography, history, language, culture, and cuisine.
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  • Ancient China From A-Z
    An alphabetical list of various topics related to ancient China, including inventions, dynasties, and cultural aspects.
  • Life During the Roaring 1920s
    A brief overview of the cultural and social changes that occurred during the Roaring Twenties, including women's rights, prohibition, automobiles, sports, and entertainment.
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