Alternative Transportation Books

  • CAR
    The story discusses the history of transportation, from walking to the invention of the car and future energy alternatives.
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  • Environmental Care
    A story about ways to care for the planet, including reducing, reusing, recycling, planting trees, saving water, cutting down on plastic, and using alternative transportation.
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  • eTwinning Project 2020 From Waste To Wealth
    This ebook was created by etwinning project 2020 From Waste to Wealth partners.
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    A collection of tips and suggestions for living a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, including saving water, planting trees, reducing electricity use, reusing items, re…
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  • Fossil Fuels: Where are  you?
    An informative book about fossil fuels, their types, extraction methods, and environmental impact. It also provides tips on how to conserve fossil fuels.
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  • Vehicle Emissions
    A brief explanation of vehicle emissions and their impact on the environment, along with a call to action to reduce pollution by using alternative modes of transportation.
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  • A day in the Life without the Automobile
    On New Year's Eve, all the cars in New York City disappear, forcing residents to adapt to a car-free life. Despite initial challenges, they embrace alternative modes of trans…
  • How to get to school
    A child describes different modes of transportation they use to go to school and imagines fun alternatives like a balloon, tractor, and airplane.
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