Analogous Structures Books

  • Basics of Biology
    Aya, Hanadi, and Mariam discuss various topics in biology, including ecosystems, populations, predators, prey, adaptation, natural selection, and more.
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  • What is Evolution?
    A group of birds living on flat land face a typhoon and are flown into the mountains, leading to speciation. The story then explains evolution and shows examples of homologou…
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  • Fishes
    Little Zuzu meets Barry the Puffer Fish at the beach and learns about evolution, fossils, DNA, and homologous structures.
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  • Origin of Life
    This is an informative book about the history of life, evolution, and taxonomy. It covers topics like the Big Bang Theory, Darwin's evolutionary theory, and Linnaeus' system …
  • Organelles and their function
    This book is about organells and thier function and thier analogy
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  • The Art Alphabet
    An alphabetical exploration of art terms and concepts, from analogous colors to zentangle, with brief explanations and examples.
  • Atomic structures -Rutherford model
    The Rutherford Model describes the atomic structure proposed by Ernest Rutherford, with a tiny nucleus and electrons orbiting it. The model was developed through experiments …
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  • The Theory of Wormholes
    An exploration of wormholes, their theoretical existence, and their potential for time travel and intergalactic travel.
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