Ancient Architecture Books

  • Tourist areas in Jordan
    A description of historical sites in Jordan, including Jerash, Ajloun Castle, Hammam Ma'in, Aqaba, the Dead Sea, and the Roman theater in Amman.
  • Ancient Mesopotamia V.S. Ancient Egypt
    The story provides a detailed comparison of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, covering aspects such as natural resources, architecture, religion, writing sy…
  • The Ancıent Cıty: Mardın
    A description of the city of Mardin in southeastern Turkey, highlighting its ancient architecture, multicultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cultural scene.
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  • Enduring Impacts of Ancient Greece
    This book is about the enduring impacts of ancient Greece to the modern world.
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  • The More, the Merrier
    A comprehensive exploration of the impact of Ancient China and Ancient Rome on our lives today, covering topics such as cities, government, religion, job specialization, soci…
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  • Legacies of Ancient Rome
    This book explores the legacies of Ancient Rome in architecture, government, and mythology. It also tells the story of Vulcan, the god of fire and volcanoes.
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  • The Roman Empire
    A brief introduction to the ancient Romans, including their kings, architecture, clothing, and beliefs.
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  • CHINA Ancient culture, modernity, architecture and its spectacular gastronomy.
    A brief overview of Chinese culture, including traditional costume, food, the Great Wall, festivals, religions, customs, and education.
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