Anglo-saxons Books

  • Anglo-Saxon Project
    This story provides information about the Anglo-Saxon tribes, their origins, invasion of Britain, and their lasting achievements.
    A brief overview of the Anglo-Saxons, their culture, society, literature, and language.
  • Anglo- Saxon Culture
    This story provides information about the life, houses, travel, food, clothing, and activities of Anglo-Saxons.
  • The History of inglish
    A brief history of the English language, from its origins in Anglo-Saxon dialects to its influences from Scandinavian and Norman invaders.
  • Celebrations Around the World Companion Book
    This is a companion to the Celebrations Around the World book. It contains more information for each celebration.
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  • The United Kingdom
    An informational book about the United Kingdom, including its geography, history, culture, and fast facts.
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  • The History of English
    An exploration of the evolution of the English language from the Old English period to present day. Covers the influence of Germanic tribes, Vikings, Normans, and the Great V…
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  • christmas
    A brief explanation of the origins and meaning of Christmas, including its religious significance and the controversy surrounding the abbreviation 'Xmas'.
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