Arithmetic Sequences Books

  • Sally and her Sequences
    Sally, a 4th grader, uses arithmetic sequences to solve a problem of finding the number of seats in an auditorium.
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    An alphabetical list of math terms and definitions, covering topics such as arithmetic sequences, exponents, graphs, linear equations, and more.
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  • Sequences! Series! Permutations!
    A math book covering sequences, series, permutations, combinations, and Pascal's Triangle.
  • All about Functions
    A math textbook chapter on linear and exponential functions, including definitions, examples, equations, and graphs.
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  • ABC Book Of Mathematical Terms
    A list of math definitions with brief explanations.
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  • Values Peta#1
    A student describes their weekly school routine, including subjects and activities.
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  • Math Adventures with Mathis Mathersine
    Mathis, a struggling student, receives help from his math teacher, Miss Plane, who teaches him important formulas and gives him glasses to improve his understanding and perfo…
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  • Fibonacci-a revolution in the mathematics
    This biography of Fibonacci explores his life, contributions to mathematics, influence on nature and music, and his popular culture references.
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