Armor Books

  • Christian Soldier Puts On Armor
    A rhyming poem that encourages children to be strong Christian soldiers and put on the armor of God.
  • How to Play Minecraft
    An introduction to the game Minecraft, including gameplay mechanics, monsters, weapons, armor, skins, minerals, crafting, and mods.
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    Paloma Reyes is a young girl who loves comic books and superheroes.Unfortunately her older brother never lets her join in when he's playing with his friends. But due to some …
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Three Christmas Wishes)
    This magical and fun Christmas story is #4 in the Sisters of Muffin Manor series. Based on true stories and real locations. Enjoy!
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  • the knight without armor
    A knight without armor proves his worth through acts of kindness and bravery, eventually earning the respect of a dragon and the king.
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  • When You Give a Man Armor
    A story about a man who becomes a knight, goes on a quest, battles a dragon, and saves a princess.
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  • Trajan the Ninja Armadillo
    Trajan the Armadillo would like to become a Ninja. He works hard and succeeds.
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  • Steve's last day of Minecraft
    Steve's life has ended in this book of sadness and death.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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