Arms Race Books

    The story provides a comprehensive overview of the Cold War, discussing key events, concepts, and impacts. It covers topics like the arms race, space race, proxy wars, contai…
  • The Cold War USA vs USSR
    The story of the Cold War, a non-direct war between the US and USSR, characterized by tension, proxy wars, and an arms race.
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  • Little Red Riding Hood
    A modern rewrite of the classic tale "Little Red Riding Hood"
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  • Lizzie saves the day
    Lizzie, a young girl with cerebral palsy, loves ladybugs and navigates life with her disability. Despite being bullied by a classmate named Ron, she ends up saving him when h…
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  • Cold War
    The Cold War was a period of tension between the US and Soviet Union. They fought indirectly in proxy wars, arms race, and space race.
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  • Everyone Can Win
    Four friends compete in a race, leading to conflict and a lesson on sportsmanship. They reconcile and celebrate together.
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  • The Playground Crisis
    Harry and Joseph, two playground rulers, compete over luchador masks. A conflict escalates into an arms race.
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  • Monkeys, Magic and Mischief!
    Morgan and Eric live on a farm and help their dad feed the animals every morning. One day, they find out that their dad has to sell the farm. With the help of their monkey fr…
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