Asante Books

  • Unit 6 Culture Project
    The story provides information about Ghanaian textiles, Nollywood films, and various genres of African music.
  • My Name Is My Superpower
    Ashanti feels invisible and disconnected from her school community until she develops the courage to teach people the correct pronunciation and meaning of her name.
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    This story provides information about the Kente cloth, its origins, significance, and production process in Ghana. It also mentions its usage and alternative names.
  • Don't Let The Tea Get Cold
    Princess Celine Asante Tevelia is dissatisfied with her life as a princess and yearns for validation. She meets Marchioness Lillianne Medea Aspen, who offers her a special te…
  • The Story of the Dress that Sang
    Anansi and the Chameleon is a West African folktale about Anansi's attempt to steal the chameleon's land, but karma catches up with him in the end.
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  • African Culture
    Bob introduces his African culture, discussing Kente cloth, Nollywood films, and African hip-hop.
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  • The History of Islam (Kids Edition)
    A historical account of the development of Islam, the life of Muhammad, and the impact of Muslims on science and medicine.
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  • ABC's of computer networking
    This book provides an introduction to computer networking, explaining various concepts and terminologies such as LAN, WAN, IP address, protocols, and different network topolo…
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