Asean Books

  • Malaysia English 9: Unit 1: A visit from
    An informative book about Malaysia, its geography, culture, and language.
    A brief history of Singapore from a small fishing village to an independent country, highlighting key events and milestones.
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  • ADVENTURE ASEAN Vol 7. Myanmar
    An informational book about Myanmar, covering its name, national anthem, area, capital and culture, population, language, economy, sports, and tourist attractions.
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  • Story of a gold medalist poridge selles
    Kholidin, a chicken porridge seller, has an accident and loses his hand. He adapts to archery and wins medals at the ASEAN Para Games.
  • China
    Bob's trip to China, where he explores its physical characteristics, culture, history, and economy.
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  • Brunei Darussalam
    An informational book about Brunei Darussalam, covering its geography, economy, sports, and tourist attractions.
  • Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway
    The news about the high-speed railway project in Indonesia, including its features, progress, and potential integration with other transportation modes.
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  • Henry The Husky Gets Lost In Australia
    Henry the Husky travels to Australia, explores various landmarks, learns about its culture, environment, and economy.
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