Asian Representation Books

  • The Sky Was His Limit A Biography of Grant Imahara
    Learn about an amazing robotics engineer and his experiences in Hollywood!
  • Thurgood Marshall
    This book provides a biography of Thurgood Marshall, highlighting his early life, career as a lawyer, and his impact on civil rights. It also explores his legacy and contribu…
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  • K U K A N
    The story of Li Ling Ai, a Chinese woman who directed an Academy Award-winning film to change America's perception of China and its people.
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  • A fantasy tale from the Hawaiian islands By: Jessica Jaimes Laura Rodriguez Camilo Sevilla
    The book provides information about the Hawaiian goddess Pele, her origin, powers, and role in Hawaiian mythology and culture.
  • Labor and Land: Hand in Hand
    This book provides a historical overview of slavery in different civilizations, highlighting its role in infrastructure and labor. It also explores the impact of Islamic laws…
  • The Minority Groups of America
    Emma takes readers on a journey through history, exploring the struggles and discrimination faced by Native Americans, African Americans, women, LGBTQ individuals, and Asian …
  • Sleeping Beauty
    A retelling of Sleeping Beauty using the Vietnam War as a metaphor. The story follows Aurora, the princess, and her struggle against Maleficent, representing North Vietnam an…
  • Cultural Diversity and Scaffolding
    This text provides an overview of culturally responsive teaching, effective strategies, assessment methods, and self-improvement for educators.
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