Assimilation Books

  • Abraham: A Proud Asian American
    Abraham, a 14-year-old immigrant from Pakistan, faces language barriers and discrimination in America. He struggles to learn English but eventually embraces his bilingual ide…
  • Conflict
    A story about the encounter between peaceful indigenous people and Christopher Columbus, resulting in conflict, loss of land, and assimilation.
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  • First American, Second Asian: Pag-Asa’s Struggle
    Pag-Asa, a second-generation Filipino-American, navigates cultural identity and assimilation in America, facing challenges at school and with her parents.
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  • The Culture Of The Caribbean
    This story explores the cultural heritage of the Caribbean, including its diverse ethnic groups, customs, and the impact of cultural assimilation and retention.
  • Becoming American: The Journey
    The book explores the journeys of two immigrants, Belen and Tung, as they assimilate into American culture, learn English, and work hard to support their families.
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  • Trip To America
    Jing Mei and Min Ling leave China for America, facing challenges at Angel Island. They find joy and maturity in their new home.
  • The German Immigration experience
    A German immigrant's journey to America, facing challenges and setbacks but determined to succeed.
  • 喜福會--Joy Luck Club
    An-Mei, a Chinese-American woman, reflects on her difficult relationship with her mother and the challenges of assimilation in America.
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