Athletes Books

  • The Wonderful Women of Hingham
    This book is a collection of stories about influential women in Hingham, written by Girl Scout Troop 62447. It highlights the contributions of various women, from school nurs…
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  • Athlete vs. Mathlete
    To twins named Russell and Owen, though there twins there much non alike. Owen is superstar basketball player, while Russell is racking up math awards.
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  • More Than an Athlete
    Charlotte, an athlete who can't play due to injury, learns from her friend Hudson that she is more than just an athlete. She discovers her worth as a sister, daughter, friend…
    Maria's passion for cycling leads her on an adventure through 9 countries. She faces challenges, makes friends, and competes in tournaments. Along the way, she learns about d…
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  • The Olympics A-Z
    An alphabetical list of sports and athletes from A to Z.
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  • ABC's of the Olympics
    An alphabetical guide to various sports and athletes in the Olympics, from archery to Zou Kai.
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  • The Story Of Terry Fox
    The story of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who overcame cancer and inspired millions with his Marathon of Hope.
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  • One Sport, Many Stories
    This book provides detailed biographies of several iconic hockey players, including Wayne Gretzky, Martin Brodeur, Sidney Crosby, Bobby Orr, Maurice Richard, Nicklas Lidström…
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