My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • To twins named Russell and Owen, though there twins there much non alike. Owen is superstar basketball player, while Russell is racking up math awards.
    by hmetzler
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  • A girl in the future who has to decide which group to join but she isn't like everyone else...She is Divergent...
    by hmetzler
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  • A group of cats who have to go on an mission to save their clans.
    by hmetzler
    Eye Icon 77
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  • A girl who loses her memory and she has to try and figure out her past.
    by hmetzler
    Eye Icon 57
  • Evyn, a 13-year-old girl, faces the conflict of moving to Boston with her family. She learns to accept change and be grateful for what she has.
    by hmetzler
    Eye Icon 4

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