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Setting-Where and When?
The setting is in the Abnegation, Erudite, and Dauntless
factions. It is mostly in the Dauntless faction which is
underground. There is a pit and many training rooms inside.
It is very quiet when there isn't really anything going on.
However, it is extremely loud when something special is
going on.
It is definitely in the future because there is so much
advanced technology. They live a crazy lifestyle caused by
living in factions. This is not a very realistic style of living
for normal people like us.

Main character-
The main character is a girl named Tris or Beatrice and is in
her teens. She is too kind in the beginning but she learns how
to be more fun and outgoing later on in the book. She turns
out to be Divergent which means she isn't exactly in a certain
faction. It can be a very scary thing to be.

Main conflict
The main conflict id External because the Dauntless and
Abnegation are getting attacked by the Erudite. It is involving
many things that go on with many people. The Erudite take
control of the Dauntless and have them kill as many people as
they can. They especially wanted the to attack Abnegation.

Rising Action
1)Tris picks to be Dauntless instead of Abnegation.
2)It is the first day of initiation and Tris is the first one to jump
into the Dauntless headquarters.
3)Tris learns how to shoot a gun and to fight.
4)They play capture the flag and Tris wins it for her team by
going in a high spot which she spots the other teams flag
5)Tris and Four fall in love.
6)Tris fights off her fear simulation and is number one on the
standing chart.

In the book Divergent, the climax of the story occurs when the
Erudite take over the Dauntless as soldiers. Every Dauntless
person got a shot with a certain liquid that makes the Erudite
control them. They make the Dauntless attach Abnegation and
everything in their way. However, the people who are
divergent like Tris and Four, don't get controlled by the serum.
Then they capture Four and make him under their command
with a different special serum! Then Tris has to fight Four and
right when Tris is about to shoot Four because he is coming at
her, he stops. He looks in her eyes and sees that it's Tris and
stops fighting her. This is where the climax occurs in

The main character,Tris, in the book Divergent, is brought to
life in many ways through characterization. One way is when
Tris is the first one to jump in to the Dauntless headquarters
because she is really making a name for herself by doing so.
Tris finds out that she is Divergent and it is super important. It
is hard for her because she has to pick which faction she is in
with nothing backing up why she is in it. Another way is when
she gets first place for the fear simulation. It is a very good
moment because people can be afraid of her and she knows
that she is very good.

One example of dialogue is when Four fins out that Tris is
divergent. It reads- "What?" I demand.
"You're Divergent," he replies.
I stare at him, fear pulsing through me like electricity. He
knows. How does he know? I must have slipped up. Said
something wrong. Page 255
Another example is when Tris's mother tells Tris that she
needs to be alert because she is Divergent and she could die
from it. It reads- "Is this because I'm a-" I start to say but she
presses her hand to my lip.
"Don't say that word," she hisses. "Ever."
So Tori was right. Divergent is a dangerous thing to be.
Page 187

Theme-Choose wisely
One reason why this is the theme is because when Tris choose
Dauntless, it was hard to make the right choice and have to
adjust a lot. Another reason is that she had to choose her
friends wisely because many could be backstabbers or jerks.
For the last reason, every decision she makes effects her life
so she has to choose what to do wisely.
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Setting-Where and When?
The setting is in the Abnegation, Erudite, and Dauntless
factions. It is mostly in the Dauntless faction which is
underground. There is a pit and many training rooms inside.
It is very quiet when there isn't really anything going on.
However, it is extremely loud when something special is
going on.
It is definitely in the future because there is so much
advanced technology. They live a crazy lifestyle caused by
living in factions. This is not a very realistic style of living
for normal people like us.

Main character-
The main character is a girl named Tris or Beatrice and is in
her teens. She is too kind in the beginning but she learns how
to be more fun and outgoing later on in the book. She turns
out to be Divergent which means she isn't exactly in a certain
faction. It can be a very scary thing to be.
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