Atomic Structure Books

  • Atomic Structures
    This book provides a brief history of atomic models and their creators, including John Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, and Niels Bohr.
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  • Atomic Structure Timeline
    This book provides brief biographies of twelve influential scientists in the field of chemistry and atomic theory.
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  • History of Atomic Structure Timeline.
    A brief history of atomic theory and the scientists who contributed to its development.
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  • Atomic Structure Timeline
    A brief overview of the contributions made by various scientists to the understanding of atoms and atomic theory.
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  • Atomic Structure History
    This story provides a historical overview of the development of atomic models, from Thomson's raisin pudding model to modern quantum mechanics.
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  • History of the Atom: Atomic Structure
    This book provides a brief overview of the major contributors to atomic theory and their experiments, highlighting their theories and the problems with each model.
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  • Atomic Structure
    This chapter introduces the Bohr model of the atom and the quantum mechanical model, explaining their differences and contributions to atomic theory.
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  • Atomic Structures
    An introduction to the Bohr and Rutherford models of the atom, their advancements, and theories.
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