Bakery Books

  • My Bakery
    A woman who loves baking starts her own business and interacts with customers. The story ends with a moral lesson.
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor
    Mysteries and adventures are guaranteed when you have sisters, muffins, and a big spooky house. Book #1 in the series.
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  • The Bakery
    Anna and Amy love to bake.
    But it can become a hefty price.
    They needed a way to get money for ingredients, a bakery was the answer.
    Read to know more!
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  • Saving the Bakery.
    Joy, a little girl who loves baking, helps save her parents' bakery with the help of her friends.
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  • Snoopy's Bakery
    Snoopy, a bakery owner, uses calculus to calculate cake volume, cooling time, and customer growth. He's happy with his success.
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  • Chab's Bakery
    A story about a special bakery with a wide variety of baked goods and a talented baker named Chab.
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    Betzy Sterling is a fearless, awesome, coffee loving detective! But when a suspicious cake caper unfolds in her village , there's no one else they can turn to but... AGENT ST…
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  • The Big Bake Off
    Andie Orange, a young girl who loves baking, enters a bake-off competition to win prize money and save her family's bakery. Despite not winning, her sister's idea of getting …
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