Bath Books

  • Luksi Iskitini
    Luksi Iskitini, a little turtle, goes through his daily routine with his grandpa Mafo Luksi. They take a bath, brush their teeth, and read a bedtime story.
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  • A Home For Highway
    How a lonely dog named "Highway" finds a safe, loving home. (Based on a true story)
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  • Snowball
    Cute story about a family's new puppy and his mischievous ways of avoiding a bath. Fun story-line and wonderful illustrations for all dog lovers. Story written by A'Jsha Jo…
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  • Rub-a-Dub-Dub I Got to Get in the Tub
    A perfect book that will help any kid enjoy bath time!
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  • The Wife of Bath's Tale
    this book is about how a knight goes around asking women what they most desire, and meets and old lady who tells the night she will give him the answer as long as she marries…
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    Ron loves playing outside and getting messy, but when he starts to smell bad, he realizes it's time for a bath.
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  • 6 Healthy Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets
    Pets are cute and cuddly, and they can also teach people some important lessons about being healthy. Find out 6 healthy habits that help pets - and people - live healthy ever…
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  • A Day in the Life of Puss
    A day in the life of Puss, a lazy cat who naps, plays with friends, eats, gets a bath, and saves the day.
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