Beach Cleaning Books

    A group of children go to the sea and witness pollution. They decide to clean up the beach and prevent further pollution.
  • Sophia’s Magical Journey
    Find out more about an enchanted dream of little girl Sophia. Enter Fairyland with Sophia and be transformed to fairy your self in your imagination.
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    While his grade 6 class is cleaning up the local beach, Ben mysteriously disappears. He finds himself at the bottom of the ocean. The crazy part is that he is able to breathe…
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    Hale is scheduled for what he thinks is a regular checkup with his dentist. Little does he know that his appointment will turn into an international adventure involving spies…
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  • Food waste
    Mary and John participate in a beach cleaning event, learn about food waste, and decide to encourage people to finish their food. They also find hidden spiders.
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    Cathy likes to go for walks on the beach every morning. One day she finds a mysterious lantern behind some rocks. After cleaning the lamp, a genie emerges and grants her 3 wi…
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  • The Ocean Rescue
    Lily goes on a trip to Hawaii and learns about ocean pollution. She takes action by cleaning the beach, meeting a dolphin, and raising awareness.
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  • Rooney’s Adventures: The Friendly Octopus
    Rooney moves to a small town near the beach, makes friends with fishes Gilly and Billy, and cleans up the dirty beach with the help of an octopus.
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