Bipolar Disorder Books

  • My Sister
    "My Sister" is a children's book dedicated addressing the stigma associated with taking prescription medication for mental illness. Please check out the website: https://do…
  • Against Hope
    A story of a young man's struggle with depression, bipolar disorder, and his journey towards hope and success.
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  • T-Rex's Bi-Polar Disorder
    A story about a group of friends who go on various adventures, but one friend, T-Rex, struggles with being content and finding his place.
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  • Life With my Bipolar Mom
    Madeline's mom is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She gets help, takes medicine, and becomes happier. Madeline learns about the disorder and supports her mom.
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  • Bipolar Disorder
    Max, an 11-year-old boy, starts behaving differently at school. His teacher and friends notice a change in his behavior. Max's mother takes him to the doctor and he is diagno…
  • Ava's Journey Bipolar Disorder
    Ava, Max, and Evie are best friends who notice Ava's mood swings. They take her to a doctor who diagnoses her with bipolar disorder and prescribes medication.
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  • Bipolar Disorder
    An introduction to bipolar disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, and famous individuals who have been diagnosed with it.
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  • Billy the Bipolar Bear
    Billy, a bear with bipolar disorder, is helped by his friend Wilfred and the wise lion to overcome his sadness and silliness.
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