Bolivar State Books

    An informational book about the Bolivar state in Venezuela, covering its geography, economy, population, and culture.
  • The Adventures of Simon Bolivar!
    The story of Simon Bolivar, a South American soldier who fought for independence and united several countries.
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  • Julián and His Country
    Venezuela and a boy named Julian. He learns about the culture of Venezuela
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    A brief description of Apure, a state in Venezuela, including its location, capital, economic activities, population, and landmarks.
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  • Five Themes of Bolivian Geography
    An informational book about Bolivia, covering its location, physical and human characteristics, movement, human-environment interaction, and regions.
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  • state zulia
    The story provides information about the climate, vegetation, and economic activities in the Zulia state of Venezuela.
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  • South American Revolution
    A brief overview of the spread of Enlightenment and revolutionary ideas to South America, the leadership of Simon Bolivar, the formation of independent states, and the challe…
    An overview of the Bolivar state in Venezuela, including its geography, economy, population, and gastronomy.
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