Bombing Books

  • The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    The story recounts the events of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, its impact on the US, and the subsequent actions taken by the US in World War II.
    A nonfiction story about the bombing of Hiroshima, its impact on the people, and the aftermath.
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  • The Bomb That Saved Lives
    During a war, the President of America had to decide whether to bomb Japan or risk losing over 1 million American soldiers. He chose to use the bomb, which led to the Japanes…
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  • Do you know...about the Atomic Bombs?
    This book provides fast facts about World War II, the decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the impact of the bombings.
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  • The Little Boy & The Fat Man
    A young girl named Akeno in Hiroshima, Japan, writes in her diary about her daily life and the tragic events surrounding the atomic bombing.
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  • The Bombing
    A young child and their dog witness a bombing in their town, but find solace and support with a new family.
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  • The Atomic Bombs
    The story provides a historical account of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.
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  • What is real Peace? Live in Peace 本当の平和とは? 平和の中で住む
    A brief explanation of what an atomic bomb is and its impact on Japan, including the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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