Book Creator Books

  • HA LONG TRAVEL BOOK creator: Group 1
    A description of Ha Long Bay in Vietnam, including its history, geography, views, and meaning.
    Eye Icon 120
  • Minecraft History
    A brief history of Minecraft, its updates, popularity, and impact on YouTube channels.
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  • StoryJumper Mysteries!
    Today we look at some of the mysteries StoryJumper has to offer.
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    The purpose of this book is to educate and encourage children of color and let them know that they are special and beautiful with a rich history.
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  • FNAF: What you don't know...
    A guide to the secrets and Easter eggs in the game Five Nights at Freddy's 3, with a playful and misleading ending.
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  • We love you Miss Livingston!!
    A group of first-grade students express their gratitude to Fireman Livingston for his help and support throughout the school year.
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  • Same Planet Same Aim
    Students in different grade levels create drawings and record audios to describe daily routines. Characters like Smurfette and Doraemon are chosen through class voting.
    Eye Icon 91
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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