Subject: English
Aims: To understand and produce oral messages related to daily routines.
Group Level: 6th grade of primary education
Time:1 lesson + Flipped Classroom Methodology.
Materials: computers, cameras, recorder,
Lesson Procedure/ Activity
For this lesson, we did brainstorming to remember the daily routines.
Once we did that, we ordered the phrases that have appeared on the board.


Then among several characters, the students voted in class for their favorite character, in this case the winners were Smurfette for etwinning and doraemon for the class.
The activity was explained and the students created their drawings, recorded their audios.
Aims: Children have to cooperate with european friends using daily routine verbs and nouns and using the book Book creator.
Group Level: 5h grade of primary school
Time: 2 hours
Materials:computer, camera,LIM, papers, colours,pencils.
Lesson Procedure/ Activity : students decide with a poll who has to make up the page in Book creator.Then everyone draws the picture to describe Smurfette daily activity and they decide the most beautiful drawing to insert in the book.
Elena Mancini
IV Circolo La Rosa
Scuola Lambruschini
Livorno Italy

Aims: Students will be able to talk about daily routines.
Group Level:5th graders
Time:2 Lesson Hour
Materials: computer, recorder, crayons and paper, bookcreator web 2.0 tool.
Lesson Procedure/ Activity: First of all, students learn daily routine patterns. Then they vote in a pollunite to select the common character, because it will be a collaborate work among partners. Later the sentences were spread out to every partner and every student picturizes his sentence and uploads to the tool. Finally he records his sentence on the picture.
Nebahat GÜLER/
Uluğbey Secondary School

Subject: English
Aims: Students will be able to talk about daily routines
Group Level: Primary School / 4th Grade
Time: 40'
Materials: Paper, crayons, computer, recorder and book creator tool
Lesson Procedure/ Activity: Project team decided to the cartoon character with a poll. The character was Smurfette. One the students drew a picture showing the daily routine activity and recorded the sentence. Then, she uploaded the picture and the recording on our project's common e-book.

Subject:Talking about daily life.
Aims: Students will be able to talk about daily routines.
Group Level:3rd grade
Time: 40 minutes
Materials: Students' own drawings to describe daily activities,tablets or mobile phones to record students' voices while talking about their activity and upload theiw work to Bookcreater.
Lesson Procedure/ Activity: We collaborated for this activity.Two students(twins) drew the picture,one of my students recorded his voice and the other student uploaded these works to Bookcreater.
Demet ASLANBEY-Yaşar Gazioğlu Primary School

Subject: Daily Routines
Aims: Students should be able to illustrate a page of a book-related to the subject and describe a daily routine.
Group Level: 6th grade
Time: 50 minutes
Materials: Drawing material and web tools, computer or tablet.
Lesson Procedure/Activity: Students draw or create using a computer, or handmade, the background for the sentence chosen. They then decide, voting, which one is the best to illustrate the book. The winning student adds his/her work on the page and another student records the reading of the sentence. When the book is ready, students will read the book.
Agrupamento de escolas José Cardoso Pires
Marisa Borges
Subject: Daily Routines
Aims: Students will be able to talk about their daily routines.
Group Level: 4 th class
Time: 1 day
Materials: Paper, crayons, recorder and e-book tool.
Lesson Procedure/ Activity: Students decided to the cartoon character. They chose Smurfette.One of the students was given the sentence. The student drew the picture dreaming the sentence. She recorded her voice. Then we uploaded the picture and her voice to bookcreater.
Berrak Doğa Özmen
Gazipaşa Primary School

Subject: Daily Routines
Aims: Students will be able to talk about a character's daily routine
Group Level: Beginner
Time: 4 Hours
Materials/Tools: Paper, color pencils
Lesson Procedure/ Activity: Students were taught how to talk about daily routines. For this we used imaginary characters illustrated in doing their daily routines. The students were provided with many example sentences with the help of pictures and finally asked to describe their own and others' daily routines. Next the students voted on tricider for a character to be used in our project activity.
In the next step the students were given a daily routine sentence were asked to draw a picture describing the sentence. This time students voted for their favorite picture. Next we made an online meeting where the students were shown how to use the tool bookcreator. Finally the picture chosen by the students was put by one of the students into our Daily Routines Audio eBook.

Sevinç ÖZDEMİR, Fahrettin Kırzıoğlu Bilim Ve Sanat Merkezi

Subject: English
Aims: Students will be able to talk about daily routines.
Group Level: Beginner
Time: 1 hour
Materials: Crayons, Paper, Computer, Bookcreator as a web 2.0 tool
Lesson Procedure/ Activity: All students vote to select a character for our Daily Routines Audio eBook on Tricider. One of our students draws a picture showing their daily routine activity. Then he/she uploads this picture and records his/her sentence on the picture.
Burcu ATA BİLGİLİ - Namık Kemal Primary School - Balıkesir/TURKEY

Subject:Talking about daily life.
Aims: Students can talk about daily routines.
Group Level:3rd grade
Time: 30 minutes
Materials: Students' own pictures to describe daily activities,mobile phones to record students' sentences while talking about their activity.
Lesson Procedure/ Activity: One of my students recorded his voice and make a picture.
Paulina Markiewicz, Warsaw Primary School No 264
At weekends Smurfette meets her friends.
Subject: Daily routines/My day
Aims: to practise speaking and writing about daily routines
Group Level: elementary
Time: 60 min.
Materials: pieces of paper, photos, a Quizziz quiz
Lesson Procedure/ Activity: First, I gave the students photos of people doing various daily routines and asked them to brainstorm possible names of activities. Then, I gave them slips of paper with sentences describing those activities and asked them to match them with the photos. Next, we did a quiz on Quizziz checking their knowledge and finally they described their own or a celebrity of their choice's typical day.
Monika Khan, Zespół Szkół w Wysokiej Głogowskiej, Poland
Subject: Daily Routines
Aims: Sts will be able to talk about a character' daily routine
Group Level: Beginner (4th Grade)
Time: 1 hour
Materials: Paper, crayons, pencil
Lesson Procedure/ Activity: Sts know how to talk about daily routines. They vote on tricider to choose the character. They choose Smurfette. Then they have a daily routine sentence to draw a picture describing the sentence. The students vote their favourite picture. They learn how to use bookcreator. One of the students put the chosen picture into the Daily Routines Audio eBook.

Smurfette goes to school at 9 o'clock.
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Subject: English
Aims: To understand and produce oral messages related to daily routines.
Group Level: 6th grade of primary education
Time:1 lesson + Flipped Classroom Methodology.
Materials: computers, cameras, recorder,
Lesson Procedure/ Activity
For this lesson, we did brainstorming to remember the daily routines.
Once we did that, we ordered the phrases that have appeared on the board.


Then among several characters, the students voted in class for their favorite character, in this case the winners were Smurfette for etwinning and doraemon for the class.
The activity was explained and the students created their drawings, recorded their audios.
Aims: Children have to cooperate with european friends using daily routine verbs and nouns and using the book Book creator.
Group Level: 5h grade of primary school
Time: 2 hours
Materials:computer, camera,LIM, papers, colours,pencils.
Lesson Procedure/ Activity : students decide with a poll who has to make up the page in Book creator.Then everyone draws the picture to describe Smurfette daily activity and they decide the most beautiful drawing to insert in the book.
Elena Mancini
IV Circolo La Rosa
Scuola Lambruschini
Livorno Italy
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