Primary Education Books

  • Οι τελευταίοι του βυθού The last of the seabed
    intensive fishing _ Primary Education
    Respect sea life!
  • Σώστε τον Ικαρο
    Icarus wants to be free! Save him!
    Primary education_ Heat conductors
  • THE LIFE OF OZIEL LIC. Primary Education LEP1E
    A description of a boy's house, family, and interests.
  • Schools in the USA
    This story provides an overview of the education system in the USA, including public and private schools, primary and secondary education, and options for further study.
  • Envy Student: Mariana Montserrat Ramos López. Degree: Primary Education. Group: 1°E
    Danna, a girl in 2nd grade, refuses to share her ball with classmates. After a lesson from the teacher, she learns the importance of sharing.
  • Same Planet Same Aim
    Students in different grade levels create drawings and record audios to describe daily routines. Characters like Smurfette and Doraemon are chosen through class voting.
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    A children's book about Jamaica, covering topics such as food, work, traditions, education, and the flag. Includes a glossary and questions for comprehension.
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  • Poem If I were a Little Bit Taller. Written and Narrated by Sandra Liddie Gumbs
    Sandra reflects on how being taller would change her perspective on the world, from escaping crowds to avoiding teasing, yet wonders if she'd still write this poem if she wer…
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