Botany Books

  • Botany
    Antwon explains the importance of studying plants, their uses, and the work of botanists.
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  • Plant Parts and their Function
    This book explains the different parts of a plant, their functions, and how plants get food through photosynthesis.
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  • Lets Learn About Botany!
    This book started out as an assignment for my Botany class. As I worked on it, I became more confident to do my best for students in middle to high school, and anyone else to…
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  • Plants
    The story introduces botanists and farmers, explaining their roles in studying and growing plants.
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  • Flowers!!!
    This book shows a variety of beautiful flowers and their basic information
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  • Floral Project
    This is an informative book about different types of flowers, their characteristics, and their origins. It covers mass flowers, form flowers, filler flowers, and line flowers…
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  • BOTANY: The study of plants
    This book explains the importance of plants, their parts, and their needs for survival.
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  • ABC's of traveling SEEDS
    A brief description of different plant species and how they are growing.
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