Breaking News Books

  • breaking news
    A prisoner escapes and the reader is asked to find him. The story ends with a note from a cop.
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  • BREAKİNG NEWS breaking news breaking news
    Archaeologists discover walls made of human bones in a church in Belgium. The bones were used to build the walls, and historical documents support the findings.
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  • The Loneliest Not Lonely Bear
    A bear's journey of self-reflection and through the forest he calls home.
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • A Visit to The Volcano! An original Shammy story
    Join Shammy, Pila, and Dimo as they go to Hawaii, learn about volcanoes, see Pele, and take a trip inside the Earth. Don't worry though because you will for sure be home in t…
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  • Along the water's edge
    Each step along the beach reveals a new creature and the happy home they share along the breaking waves. Adventure awaits in every glance. The invisible life beneath the spla…
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    Detective Karter Dylan has lived and worked in New London his entire life. He's seen some strange things during his career but nothing could prepare him for a rash of attacks…
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  • The Magical Threads of Threadsville: A Tale of Two Journeys
    In this sequel to The Magical Threads of Threadsville, return to the magical town where every piece of clothing has a story! A Tale of Two Journeys follows Tina, a cheerful t…
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