Bulimia Books

    Works about Mediterranean Diet by the students of Class I A De Sanctis High School - Salerno (Italy).

    This work has been developed within the eTwinning Cultural Her…
  • Joy Luck Club
    Lena, a Chinese-American girl, struggles with her cultural identity and mother-daughter relationship. She learns the importance of communication and self-empowerment.
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  • Another day in the mouth
    Teeth and tongue are confused by their friend, the brain's eating disorder. They seek help to understand and support him.
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  • Health
    This informative book provides a comprehensive overview of health, covering physical, mental, and social aspects. It also discusses various mental disorders, providing defini…
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  • .
    A discussion on the impact of social media on self-esteem and body image, as well as the need for diverse representations of beauty.
  • why you should always wear your helmet
    A description of different parts of the brain and their functions, including potential damage and effects.
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  • Not All Perfect
    Cleo, a high school student, struggles with body image and develops an eating disorder. She learns about the impact of stigma and the importance of support.
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  • ABC's of _____________
    An alphabetical list of psychological terms and their definitions, with a note of gratitude at the end.
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