Bullfight Books

  • the story of ferdinand
    A bull named Ferdinand prefers to sit under a tree and smell flowers instead of fighting. When he accidentally sits on a bee, chaos ensues. Despite being chosen for a bullfig…
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  • A Mexican Celebration
    A description of various Cinco de Mayo traditions and their significance in Mexico and around the world.
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  • 10 D
    The story discusses various traditions and customs in different countries, such as bowing in Japan, not wearing shoes in Japanese houses, and celebrating Christmas in Germany…
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    Students from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, and Turkey researched cultural sites in each other's countries and made presentations. The sites include Göreme National P…
  • The great montubio
    A Montubio family in Ecuador participates in a bullfight to win money and honor their culture.
  • And I still rise
    A seventeen-year-old Spanish girl named Mencía shares about her hobbies, family, recipes, favorite films, books, Spain, and her year in Ireland.
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  • About My Town
    Welcome to Osimo, Italy. Osimo is a lovely town on the Adriatic coast in the center of Italy. It has beautiful beaches and is rich in art and culture. There are ancient cathe…
  • Exploring Colombia
    A description of various festivals, events, and tourist attractions in Colombia.
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