Busy Books

  • Busy Bee
    Busy Bee is too busy to play with his friends, but he finds time to make honey and share it. Tomorrow, he'll have time to play.
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  • The busy town pigs
    A story about the busy town pigs and their various activities, including working in the yard, eating ice cream, going on walks, and more.
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  • The Busy Bumble Bee
    A nonfiction book about bumblebees, their characteristics, behaviors, and importance in the ecosystem.
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  • E the Elephant Overcomes
    A young duckling with golden wings, Diana, befriends a scared elephant named E and helps him overcome his fear. They have fun together and E becomes more confident.
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  • Super Sam's Busy Week
    A story dedicated to young readers. Learners can learn the days of the week, routines and action words.
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  • Lowell Elementary School History
    This wonderful piece of literature has encapsulated true and mostly true stories of Lowell Elementary School in Waterloo, Iowa. It was painstakingly researched and written by…
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  • Love in a Year
    A bear and a bunny discover relationships can have their ups and downs.

    Background: I had started this book as a first year anniversary gift for my girlfriend but as…
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  • The Big Bake Off
    When Mayor Cherry is in need of a birthday cake, two bakers have to battle it out for the title of Best Baker in Fruity Ville and the honor of baking the mayor's birthday tre…
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