Campaign Finance Books

  • Campaign Finance
    Timmy, a candidate running for office in 2020, navigates the complexities of campaign finance laws and court cases that impact his fundraising efforts.
  • The Campaign of BATMAN
    A description of the process of party nomination primaries, conventions, and funding in a fictional story about Batman becoming the presidential nominee.
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  • The Process of Elections
    A children's book about the election process in Washington, D.C. with a focus on vocabulary and concepts related to elections.
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  • Wilma Mankiller
    The story of Wilma Pearl Mankiller, the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, and her journey as an activist and community developer.
    The story discusses the role of real-virtual transfer shop managers in creating physical versions of virtual objects and virtual versions of physical ones. It also mentions t…
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  • The 3D Pen
    This book provides an informative overview of the history, functionality, and artistic potential of 3D pens, showcasing various impressive creations.
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    Richard the Lionheart, a famous medieval king, is known for his military leadership in the Crusades, his chivalric reputation, and his legendary interactions with Saladin.
  • ABC'S of World War II
    A list of various terms and events related to World War II, providing brief explanations for each.
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