Capitalization Books

  • Capitalization
    A lesson on capitalization rules, including names of people, pets, places, months, days, holidays, 'I', and the first word of a sentence.
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  • Capitalization
    This book explains the rules of capitalization and provides examples. It also includes practice sentences for readers to correct.
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  • What Gets a Capital Letter?
    A guide to capitalization rules for names, places, titles, and more, with interactive activities for children.
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  • Claire the Capitalizer
    Claire learns about capitalization rules for names, places, holidays, and product names with the help of her friend Silvia.
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    This is a book about basic grammar. kind of like eats,shoots and leaves. Please have a look at this simple story that's great fun for the kids.
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  • The Capitalization Monster
    George, Fratford, Jeddidiah, Luis, Timmy, and Ellie encounter the Capitalization Monster and work together to retrieve stolen capital letters.
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  • It's Battle Time!
    This book is a science fiction narrative. Look for the various figurative language phrases and sentences: similes, personification, alliteration, hyperbole,idiom, imagery, an…
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  • Captialization
    A grammar practice book for children, covering capitalization rules and providing examples for each rule.
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