Caregivers Books

  • Baby Emotions
    The story discusses the emotional development of babies and the importance of bonding with caregivers.
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  • The Caregiver
    Arlo, a therapy dog, is sad when he can't visit the hospital due to Covid-19. But as the situation improves, he gets to go back and see his patients and friends.
  • Infancy: Birth to 12 months
    Infants go through cognitive and language development, reaching milestones like object permanence and babbling. Caregivers play a crucial role in fostering these milestones.
  • Just Me
    A guide for caregivers on using a curriculum to support children's development through play and exploration.
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  • Beyond Recall
    A detailed guide to the stages, symptoms, and treatment of dementia, with personal stories and advice for caregivers.
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  • Carol, the Caregiver
    Carol, a retired woman, takes on the role of caregiver for her husband Gerry when he is diagnosed with cancer. She navigates the challenges of his treatment with resilience a…
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    A brief exploration of the role and importance of parents in a child's life.
  • Potty Time Around the World
    A story about a child's journey of learning to use the potty with the help of caregivers.
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