Caste System Books

  • Purple Affliction
    In a dystopian future with a caste system for eyes how will one girl survive?
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  • India's caste system
    A boy named Ishaan eats beef, which is forbidden, and faces consequences due to his caste. His family moves to a city where they find happiness and realize that castes don't …
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    A tour guide takes readers on a journey through the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, covering its geography, society, caste system, religion, culture, and technological adv…
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  • Field trip to the Museum of India
    Mr. Simpson's 3rd grade class visits the Museum of India, where they learn about Indian culture, empires, religion, and the caste system from their tour guide, Alyssa.
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  • Timmy's Time Machine
    Timmy takes a trip into the past to learn all about Ancient India's religions, Empires, the Caste System, and Cultures!
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  • India: A Long, Long Time Ago
    A brief overview of the Vedic Age, Indo-Aryan culture, Vedic culture, Hinduism, Buddhism, the caste system, and three ancient Indian empires.
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  • The Big Book of History
    A collection of educational snippets about various historical and cultural topics, with some grammar and organization issues.
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  • 7th Grade World History
    A travel adventure through different subjects in social studies, including geography, government, economics, culture, religion, and history.
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