Catalunya Books

  • The Boy Who is Afraid of Water
    A charming story about a fish and a boy who is afraid of water.
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  • Ten reasons why I am proud of Catalonia
    A description of various beautiful places in Catalunya, including famous monuments, natural parks, and coastal areas.
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  • I N S P I R A T I O N S
    The 'INSPIRATIONS' artworks were created as a challenge to send artistic presents inspired by the colors of flags. The artworks were exchanged between different schools in va…
  • Traveling around Spain
    A child recounts their family trip to various cities in Spain, including Madrid, Almeria, Granada, Barcelona, and Valencia.
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  • The poems of Europe
    Two poems, one in Polish and one in Greek, describing the signs of spring and a poet's desire to build a house.
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    Students from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, and Turkey researched cultural sites in each other's countries and made presentations. The sites include Göreme National P…
  • Kennedy: Simple and telling
    Nicanor García is a photographer and architect from Barcelona. He has worked on various infrastructure projects and showcases some of his works, including a mall, a bridge, a…
  • Let's go to Greece!
    An informative book about the geography, famous landmarks, food, people, music, myths, and games of Greece.
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