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Tina, a girl with celiac disease, shares her experiences of living with the condition and how she manages it with the support of her family, friends, and doctors.

A young child learns about their upcoming baby sister who has Celiac Disease and the dietary changes they need to make.
by 219794

Tommy, a healthy boy, suddenly falls ill. After months of searching for answers, he is diagnosed with Celiac disease and goes gluten-free.
by cam1999

An informative book about celiac disease, its symptoms, treatment, and impact on daily life. Intended for readers above 12.

Ella's constant stomachaches lead her to go gluten-free, resulting in significant weight gain and growth. Her health improves.
by Ella Furman

An informative book about celiac disease, explaining what it is, its symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and how to support someone with the condition.

Tommy, a boy with a stomachache, is read a bedtime story about Joey, who also had stomach issues. Joey is diagnosed with Celiac Disease and learns to manage it.
by Erica Armata

A collection of short informational texts about various topics, including celiac disease, the digestive system, cell structures, and body systems.

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