Cell Components Books

  • A Plant Cell Is Like A Castle
    A knight describes the different parts of a castle using analogies to cell components.
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  • The Cell Tour
    Join Robert Nicholas Anderson on a tour of a cell, exploring its various components and functions.
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  • Plant Cell Analogy Project: The Computer
    A comparison of cell organelles to computer components, highlighting their functions and importance.
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  • A Fortnite Tale
    A comparison between Fortnite and an animal cell, explaining the similarities between their components.
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  • Richmond High Cell Analogy
    An informative book about the functions of different cell components, using analogies to explain their roles.
  • How Cell Structures Maintain Homeostasis...
    This is an informative text that introduces various cell components and their functions in a friendly, conversational tone. It covers the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosome, cel…
  • Pip's Journey Through The Cell City Zoo
    Pip visits Cell City Zoo to learn about cells and animals. He encounters various cell components represented as zoo attractions.
  • The Unidentified Flying Cell!
    A child compares the parts of a cell to the components of their UFO, explaining their functions and similarities.
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