Ceres Books

  • The story of Proserpine and Pluto
    The myth of Ceres and Proserpine, where the goddess's daughter is abducted by Pluto and spends half the year in the underworld, resulting in the changing seasons.
  • All About Parakeets
    This book will educate you on becoming a Parakeet owner.
    I hope you will enjoy your adventure with your pet parakeet!
    Eye Icon 278
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  • Our small neighbours
    An informative book about dwarf planets in our solar system, including Pluto, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Ceres.
  • All About Space
    Learn the basics of space in this amazing book! Hope you enjoy!
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  • Goodnight, Jupiter
    Jupiter gets knocked out of orbit and goes on a journey to find his way back home, encountering the Sun, inner planets, asteroid belt, and his moons along the way.
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  • Dwarf Planets
    This story provides information about dwarf planets, including their definition, characteristics, and examples. It also mentions important events and missions related to dwar…
    Eye Icon 46
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