Cfcs Books

  • Mario J. Molina
    The biography of Mario J. Molina, a chemist who discovered the role of CFCs in ozone depletion and won the Nobel Prize for it.
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  • The Earth's Atmosphere
    An informative book about the Earth's atmosphere, its layers, and the importance of protecting it from harmful substances.
  • Damage to the Ozone
    The story explains how human activities damage the ozone layer and the consequences of ozone depletion on the environment, biodiversity, and human health.
  • Harry Houdini's Life Story
    A biography of Harry Houdini, the famous magician and escape artist, highlighting his early life, magic performances, and death.
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  • Pollution
    This book explains what air pollution is, how it affects the earth and humans, and provides ways to prevent it.
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  • Earth Science Alphabet
    This is an educational book that uses the alphabet to introduce scientific concepts and terms, from A for Aurora to Z for Zone. Each letter has two corresponding entries.
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  • How Globalization shaped language
    An introduction to globalization, its effects on communication, the role of English, and the impact of social media.
  • Learning Science With My Favorite Teacher
    A student excitedly prepares for a field trip with their favorite teacher, Mrs. Stelling, learning about various topics along the way.
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