Published in Switzerland Made by Adam, Youp,and Lothar
April 4th 2011
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Pollution is bad for the environment.
It can really affect you.... and our world.
We (the air pollution group) is trying to
stop this problem. In this book we will
explain what air pollution is and how it
affects the earth,us, and even global
warming. And how you can help.

Ozone Layer Damage
The ozone layer is a protective shield around the
earth. The ozone is named O3. That means that
there are three oxygen atoms in O3.
O(oxygen atom)+O =
O2(oxygen molecule) + O =
O3 (Ozone molecule)
Without O3 people would not be on earth. This
because the light would bounce of the world and we
would freeze. Also UV(Ultra Violent) rays would
damage and even destroy things.
With O3 the UV (which comes from the sun)
bounces of when it touches the ozone

In the 1970s the British Survey found something
out...The Ozone layer by the south pole and the
Arctic was thin and if we continue to pollute like this
there will be a hole which will only repair in hundreds
and thousands of years. There is already a hole in
the ozone layer which keeps appearing and
disappearing. Through September and October the
hole comes back. In January and February the hole
reappears but it is still weak. When the hole was
there it was 3 times bigger than the U.S.
CFC(Chlorofluorocarbon) is a arch-enemy with O3.
It's in cleaning things like air-conditioners not
dangerous to humans but to the ozone layer...This
all happened and is happening because of CO2 and

Co2 and Fossil Fuels
People today use more fuel powered machines
than ever before. In the last 50 years the number
of cars, trucks, planes and motorcycles has
greatly increased. Most of these vehicles and
buildings are powered by burning fossil fuels.
When these fuels are burned, the carbon releases
in the air as carbon dioxide.

The sun warms earths surface then warms the layer
or gases that are called atmosphere. During the last
20 years, three fourths of human made carbon
dioxide emissions came from burning fossil fuels .
According to the world health organization. Air
pollution causes 2.4 million deaths to people each

How we pollute.
44,000 pounds of CO2 goes into the atmosphere
for each person a year in the USA Amazingly!
Every mile a car goes for each gallon of gas it
produces 14 lb of CO2.Did you know sadly every
year a car produces 11,400 lb of CO2 a year! The
world produces 220,000,000,000 gigatons a year.
For every tree we cut down more CO2 is in the air.
Because of the carbon Cycle
Key: lb=pounds, giga=million.

Death in the air!
People die from pollution it can get in there lungs
and cause a heart attack. 14 million people die a
year from pollution and 153,000 deaths per day!

The Carbon Cycle
The Carbon Cycle is the cycle which carbon goes
through. Carbon is in every living thing or nonliving
like the ocean. Plants make food with sun and
Carbon dioxide so the air doesn't have as much
CO2. Animals and humans each have CO2 in them.
When we breath in we absorb CO2 and emit air.
When humans, plants, and animals die we
decompose and the CO2 is transferred to the soil.
Then over the years the CO2 becomes fossil fuel
and it goes back into the cycle.
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Published in Switzerland Made by Adam, Youp,and Lothar
April 4th 2011
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:


Pollution is bad for the environment.
It can really affect you.... and our world.
We (the air pollution group) is trying to
stop this problem. In this book we will
explain what air pollution is and how it
affects the earth,us, and even global
warming. And how you can help.

Ozone Layer Damage
The ozone layer is a protective shield around the
earth. The ozone is named O3. That means that
there are three oxygen atoms in O3.
O(oxygen atom)+O =
O2(oxygen molecule) + O =
O3 (Ozone molecule)
Without O3 people would not be on earth. This
because the light would bounce of the world and we
would freeze. Also UV(Ultra Violent) rays would
damage and even destroy things.
With O3 the UV (which comes from the sun)
bounces of when it touches the ozone
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