Ozone Layer Books

    People often judge Coronavirus as a risky, deathly illness. But are they really bad to other aspects?
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  • The Layers of The Atmosphere
    A description of each layer and what they do. i listed the websites i visited in the first page
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  • Pollution
    This book explains what air pollution is, how it affects the earth and humans, and provides ways to prevent it.
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  • Strongest legendary pokemon
    A description of various legendary Pokémon and their abilities, forms, and relationships.
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    Sandy teaches kids about the Earth's atmosphere, explaining its layers and their functions.
  • Ozone Joan
    Ozone Joan, a molecule made up of three Oxygen atoms, protects the Earth from the sun's harmful rays with the help of her friends. They reflect the sun's rays away and create…
  • Ozone Depletion
    An informative book about ozone, its properties, and its impact on the environment. Encourages readers to take action to protect the ozone layer.
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  • The Story Of By : Galang Chapter 1
    I Wanna be the very best like no one ever was to catch them is my real test to trained them is my goal! i would travel across the land searching far and wide these pokemon t…
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