Cherokee Books

  • Soft Rain
    Soft Rain, a young Cherokee girl, is forced to leave her village and go on a difficult journey west. She faces challenges but eventually reunites with her family.
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  • The Coming of the Corn
    A Cherokee folktale that can be used to assess student knowledge of plant life cycles.
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  • First Time at Cherokee
    A family road trip to Cherokee, North Carolina, encounters some mishaps but ultimately leads to a fun-filled adventure.
  • My Dancing Shoes
    A young girl learns about her family's Cherokee heritage and the importance of dance through the passing down of special dancing shoes.
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    A comparison between the homes, food, jobs, clothes, and activities of the Creek and Cherokee tribes and the author's own life.
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  • The Three Little Fairies
    Three fairies in an enchanted forest encounter an evil vampire, but are saved by Cherokee Indian Princess Brenda.
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  • Wilma Mankiller
    The story of Wilma Pearl Mankiller, the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, and her journey as an activist and community developer.
  • Here Is a ... Hia ... ᎯᎠ ...
    A list of various Native American crafts and objects, described in both English and Cherokee.
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