Choral Event Books

  • Estonian Song Festival
    The Estonian song festival is a massive choral event held every five years, attracting tens of thousands of singers and a huge audience. It is a cherished tradition that repr…
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  • Poetry Anthology Example
    This is a collection of various types of poems, each followed by a prompt for the reader to respond. The themes range from equality and feminism to personal tragedies and his…
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  • Poetry Anthology
    A collection of poems written by a student, covering various themes such as animal rights, personal identity, school shootings, comfort, and mother's love. The poems are writ…
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  • Poetry Anthology
    This anthology of poems covers a wide range of topics, from personal aspirations and experiences to historical events. The author uses various poetic devices and forms, inclu…
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  • ABC's of Supporting Fluency
    The story is an informative piece about the importance of fluency in reading for children. It discusses various methods and strategies to improve fluency, such as choral read…
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  • My Poem Anthology!
    A collection of various types of poems, each expressing different emotions and experiences. The author explores themes such as self-identity, life experiences, love for certa…
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  • Myths and Legends of Ireland
    The story of St. Brigid and her cloak tells how she used her small cloak to cover a large piece of land, impressing the king and leading him to help the poor. The story of th…
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  • Poetry Anthology
    A collection of various types of poems, including 'I Am Poem', 'Bio-Poem', 'Re-Creation Poem', and others. The poems cover a range of topics from love for dogs to personal ex…
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