Christmas Traditions Books

  • Jesus' Birth
    A retelling of the story of the first Christmas, including the birth of Jesus, the visit of the shepherds and wise men, and the origins of Christmas traditions.
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  • Oh My Christmas Cookie!
    A lesson about the true meaning of Christmas! I hope you enjoy my book!
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    A family learns the importance of giving during Christmas when they befriend a homeless family.
  • Christmas in Germany
    A comparison of Christmas traditions in Germany and the United States, including decorations, presents, shopping, and food.
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  • Christmas Traditions
    Explore diverse Christmas traditions from Croatia, Greece, Poland, Serbia, and Turkey, highlighting unique customs, foods, and celebrations that bring families together durin…
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  • Christmas Traditions in different countries
    A collection of descriptions of Christmas traditions in Germany, Poland, Romania, Italy, and France.
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  • Christmas traditions from my country
    A poor girl named Dragusa shares her last cookie with birds on Christmas Eve and is rewarded with gifts from Little Christmas. The field where she lives becomes fertile thank…
  • Getting Ready for Deda Mraz
    Danica, a Serbian girl living in Canada, shares her family's Christmas traditions and celebrations, including food, gifts, and visiting church.
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