Christopher Columbus Books

  • Christopher Columbus
    A brief history of Christopher Columbus and his journey to America, including the impact on Native Americans and the exchange of goods between Europe and America.
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  • Christopher Columbus and the New World
    The story of Christopher Columbus, his passion for the ocean, his journey to find a new route to India, and his accidental discovery of America.
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  • Christopher Columbus
    The story of Christopher Columbus, his voyages, and his impact on European colonization of the Americas.
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  • Christopher Columbus' Adventure to America
    Christopher Columbus embarks on a journey to the New World, thinking he's reached India but actually landing in the Bahamas. He interacts with the natives and brings back cro…
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  • Christopher Columbus
    A brief biography of Christopher Columbus, his voyages, and his discovery of the Americas.
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  • Christopher Columbus Journeys
    The story of Christopher Columbus and his journey to find a faster way to Asia, but accidentally discovering America instead.
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  • Christopher Columbus
    The story of Christopher Columbus, from his birth in Italy to his voyages and discovery of the Americas.
  • The Great Adventure of Christopher Columbus
    The story of Christopher Columbus's journey to the New World, his interactions with the natives, and his ultimate downfall.
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